Style guide

Type styles

Heading XL

Heading 01

Heading 02

Heading 03

Heading 04

Heading 05
Heading 06
Heading 07
Heading 08
Heading 09
Heading 10

Subhead 01

Subhead 02

Subhead 03

Subhead 04

Subhead 05

Subhead 06

Subhead 07

Subhead 08

Subhead 09


Text 1: Placerat donec cras aliquam imperdiet. Nullam est rhoncus semper id risus semper viverra semper.

Text 2: Placerat donec cras aliquam imperdiet. Nullam est rhoncus semper id risus semper viverra semper.

Text 3: Placerat donec cras aliquam imperdiet. Nullam est rhoncus semper id risus semper viverra semper.

Text 4: Placerat donec cras aliquam imperdiet. Nullam est rhoncus semper id risus semper viverra semper.

Text 5: Placerat donec cras aliquam imperdiet. Nullam est rhoncus semper id risus semper viverra semper.

Text 6: Placerat donec cras aliquam imperdiet. Nullam est rhoncus semper id risus semper viverra semper.

Text 7: Placerat donec cras aliquam imperdiet. Nullam est rhoncus semper id risus semper viverra semper.


Primary 1
Primary 2
Pop Red
Primary 3
Rollover Red
Grey 1
Grey 2
Grey 3
Grey 4
Grey 5
Grey 6
Grey 7
Grey 8
Black / White
Warm Black
Status Success
Success 1
Success 2
Success 3
Success 4
Success 5
Success 6
Status Warning
Warning 1
Warning 2
Warning 3
Warning 4
Warning 5
Warning 6
Status Error
Error 1
Error 2
Error 3
Error 4
Error 5
Error 6


Buttons Size Default
Buttons Size Default Disabled

Buttons Size Default w/ Icons
Buttons Size Default w/ Icons Disabled

Buttons Size Small
Buttons Size Small w/ Icons
Buttons Size Small w/ Icons Disabled

Animated Icons

NB: When icon snippets are used within an active element (link/button) that element must have the class "group" to get the hover/focus styling to work.

Close Icons
Hamburger Icon
Play Icon
Plus Icon

Static Icons

Header Icons
Social Icons
US English

Form Elements

Input Text
Input Email
Input Password
Input Tel
Input Checkbox
Input radio
Text Area

Standard Table Element

Heading 0 Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5
Row 0 / Column 0 Row 0 / Column 1 Row 0 / Column 2 Row 0 / Column 3 Row 0 / Column 4 Row 0 / Column 5
Row 1 / Column 0 Row 1 / Column 1 Row 1 / Column 2 Row 1 / Column 3 Row 1 / Column 4 Row 1 / Column 5
Row 2 / Column 0 Row 2 / Column 1 Row 2 / Column 2 Row 2 / Column 3 Row 2 / Column 4 Row 2 / Column 5
Row 3 / Column 0 Row 3 / Column 1 Row 3 / Column 2 Row 3 / Column 3 Row 3 / Column 4 Row 3 / Column 5
Row 4 / Column 0 Row 4 / Column 1 Row 4 / Column 2 Row 4 / Column 3 Row 4 / Column 4 Row 4 / Column 5
Row 5 / Column 0 Row 5 / Column 1 Row 5 / Column 2 Row 5 / Column 3 Row 5 / Column 4 Row 5 / Column 5

RTE Table Element

Heading 0 Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5
Row 0 / Column 0 Row 0 / Column 1 Row 0 / Column 2 Row 0 / Column 3 Row 0 / Column 4 Row 0 / Column 5
Row 1 / Column 0 Row 1 / Column 1 Row 1 / Column 2 Row 1 / Column 3 Row 1 / Column 4 Row 1 / Column 5
Row 2 / Column 0 Row 2 / Column 1 Row 2 / Column 2 Row 2 / Column 3 Row 2 / Column 4 Row 2 / Column 5
Row 3 / Column 0 Row 3 / Column 1 Row 3 / Column 2 Row 3 / Column 3 Row 3 / Column 4 Row 3 / Column 5
Row 4 / Column 0 Row 4 / Column 1 Row 4 / Column 2 Row 4 / Column 3 Row 4 / Column 4 Row 4 / Column 5
Row 5 / Column 0 Row 5 / Column 1 Row 5 / Column 2 Row 5 / Column 3 Row 5 / Column 4 Row 5 / Column 5

RTE Small Table Element

Heading 0 Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5
Row 0 / Column 0 Row 0 / Column 1 Row 0 / Column 2 Row 0 / Column 3 Row 0 / Column 4 Row 0 / Column 5
Row 1 / Column 0 Row 1 / Column 1 Row 1 / Column 2 Row 1 / Column 3 Row 1 / Column 4 Row 1 / Column 5
Row 2 / Column 0 Row 2 / Column 1 Row 2 / Column 2 Row 2 / Column 3 Row 2 / Column 4 Row 2 / Column 5
Row 3 / Column 0 Row 3 / Column 1 Row 3 / Column 2 Row 3 / Column 3 Row 3 / Column 4 Row 3 / Column 5
Row 4 / Column 0 Row 4 / Column 1 Row 4 / Column 2 Row 4 / Column 3 Row 4 / Column 4 Row 4 / Column 5
Row 5 / Column 0 Row 5 / Column 1 Row 5 / Column 2 Row 5 / Column 3 Row 5 / Column 4 Row 5 / Column 5


12 Columns
Inset Columns
Inset Medium
Inset Tight


24 Columns
Inset Columns
Inset Medium
Inset Tight